dimidiation (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- The (l, en, act) of (l, en, divide, dividing) into (l, en, half, halves).
- The (l, en, condition) of being divided into halves.
- (lb, en, heraldry) A (l, en, marshalling) of two (l, en, coat of arms, coats of arms) by the (l, en, bisection) ''(l, en, per pale)'' of their (l, en, escutcheon, escutcheons) and forming a (n-g, new) coat of arms from the (l, en, dexter) half of one coat and the (l, en, sinister) half of the other.
Viimeisimmät haut: dimidiation, semiproductively, face mask, pampootie, punaolkaturpiaalit, sternutatory