differentiation (suomeksi)
- differointi (s: act of differentiating)
- erilaistaminen (s: act of differentiating)
- erilaistuminen (s: act of differentiating / gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development)
- differentioituminen (s: act of differentiating)
- differentiaatio (s: act of differentiating / gradual formation or production of organs or parts by a process of evolution or development)
- erittely (s: act of distinguishing or describing a thing, by giving its different, or specific difference)
- määrittely (s: act of distinguishing or describing a thing, by giving its different, or specific difference)
- erkaantuminen (s: separation of magma)
- derivoiminen (s: in analysis)
- derivointi (s: in analysis)