denounce (suomeksi)
- tuomita (v: to criticize or speak out against)
- haukkua (v)
- parjata (v)
- irtisanoa (v: sopimus / to announce the termination of; especially a treaty)
- julistaa (v: to make known in a formal manner / to proclaim in a threatening manner)
- ilmoittaa (v: to make known in a formal manner)
- syyttää (v: to make a formal or public accusation against / to make a public accusation against)
- ilmiantaa (v: to make a formal or public accusation against / syyttää / to inform against)
- antaa ilmi (v: to make a formal or public accusation against / syyttää)
- sanoa irti (v: to announce the termination of; especially a treaty)