Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
cure (suomeksi)
- hoito (s: method, device or medication that restores good health / act of healing or state of being healed / solution to a problem)
- hoitokeino (s)
- hoitomenetelmä (s)
- parannus (s)
- parantuminen (s)
- parantaa (v: to restore to health / to bring (a disease) to an end / to cause to be rid of (a defect) / to bring about a cure)
- parantua (v)
- säilöä (v: suolata, savustaa, kuivata ym.)
- lääkekuuri (s: method, device or medication that restores good health)
- kuuri (s: method, device or medication that restores good health)
- parantaminen (s: act of healing or state of being healed)
- ratkaisu (s: solution to a problem)
- säilöntä (s: process of preservation)
- kovettuminen (s: process of solidification or gelling / process whereby a material is caused to form permanent molecular linkages by exposure to chemicals, heat, pressure and/or weathering)
- jähmettyminen (s: process of solidification or gelling)
- hyytelöityminen (s: process of solidification or gelling)
- kuivuminen (s: process whereby a material is caused to form permanent molecular linkages by exposure to chemicals, heat, pressure and/or weathering)
- hoitaa (v: to restore to health)
- kypsyttää (v: to prepare for keeping or use)
- kypsyä (v: to undergo a process for preservation or use)
- jähmettyä (v: to solidify or gel)
- kovettua (v: to solidify or gel)