creep (suomeksi)
- hyypiö (s: arkikieltä / yhteys / pejorative: frightening or disconcerting person)
- matelu (s: arkikieltä / movement of something that creeps)
- ryömiä (v: arkikieltä / to move or behave with servility)
- madella (v: arkikieltä)
- hiipiä (v: arkikieltä / to move slowly and quietly in a particular direction / to change or deviate gradually / to move in a stealthy or secret manner)
- kasvaa maata pitkin (v: to grow across a surface rather than upwards)
- hivuttautua (v: to change or deviate gradually / to move in a stealthy or secret manner)
- vetäytyä (v: to slip, or to become slightly displaced)
- nöyristellä (v: to move or behave with servility)
- värisyttää (v: to have a sensation as of insects creeping on the skin)
- aiheuttaa väristyksiä (v: to have a sensation as of insects creeping on the skin)
- naarata (v: to drag in deep water with creepers)
- ryömintä (s: movement of something that creeps / small gradual change in a measure)
- liikahdus (s: slight displacement)
- viruminen (s: gradual deformation of material under stress)
- nilkki (s: informal: annoyingly unpleasant person)
- karmio (s: informal: annoyingly unpleasant person)
- kyylä (s: pejorative: frightening or disconcerting person)
Viimeisimmät haut: creep, stomachical, relationship anarchy, touristscape, viskata, Pacific sandfish