credit (suomeksi)
- usko (s: reliance on the truth of something said or done)
- luottamus (s: reliance on the truth of something said or done)
- tunnustus (s: recognition and respect / acknowledgement of a contribution)
- arvonanto (s)
- laina (s: pankkilaina)
- luotto (s: privilege of delayed payment)
- hyvittää (v: to add to an account)
- uskoa (v: to believe)
- antaa tunnustus (v: to acknowledge a contribution)
- kunnia (s: recognition and respect)
- pisteet (s: recognition and respect / p / informal)
- tunnustuspalkinto (s: acknowledgement of a contribution)
- kunniamaininta (s: acknowledgement of a contribution)
- lopputekstit (s: written title shown with a film or video)
- maksuaika (s: time given for payment for something sold on trust)
- luottotiedot (s: one's credit rating)
- luottokelpoisuus (s: one's credit rating)
- hyvitys (s: accounting: amount added to an account / reduction in taxes owed, refund for excess taxes / vähennyshyvitys / refund)
- vähennys (s: reduction in taxes owed, refund for excess taxes / vähennys / reduction)
- palautus (s: reduction in taxes owed, refund for excess taxes / vähennys)
- vahvuus (s: source of value)
- voimavara (s: source of value)
- piste (s: arbitrary unit of value)
- krediitti (s: arbitrary unit of value)
- suoritus (s: recognition for having taken a course or class)
- opintopiste (s: recognition for having taken a course or class / measure of amount of studies)
- suorituspiste (s: measure of amount of studies)
Viimeisimmät haut: credit, monogenistic, marblefish, contend, wireless cable, Rufous-rumped Seedeater