counter (suomeksi)
- ~ to jhk nähden vastakkainen (a)
- jhk nähden ristiriitainen (a)
- ~ to jtak vastaan (d)
- vastoin jtak (d)
- tiski (s: table or board on which business is transacted)
- kassa (s)
- laskuri (s: object used in counting / telltale / computing: variable etc. for keeping count)
- vastustaa (v: rak / to contradict, oppose)
- toimia vastaan (v: rak)
- laskija (s: one who counts)
- putka (s: prison attached to city court)
- työtaso (s: kitchen surface for food preparation)
- vastaliike (s: wrestling: proactive defence)
- vastatoimi (s: something in contradiction to a proposal)
- vastaehdotus (s: something in contradiction to a proposal)
- vastaan (d: contrary, in opposition; in an opposite direction)
- vastoin (d: contrary, in opposition; in an opposite direction)
- vastata (v: boxing: to return a blow while receiving one / to take action in response to)