core (suomeksi)
- siemenkota (s: central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds / botany)
- sisin (s)
- ydin (s: heart of a thing / most important part of a thing / heart of a horn / one of severals parts in a computer processor)
- sisus (s: tekniikka)
- sydän (s)
- suoritinydin (s: tietotekniikka / joskus CPU core / one of severals parts in a computer processor)
- rengasmuisti (s: tietotekniikka / computing: magnetic memory)
- keskiö (s: filmin}} [[keskiö]] / yhteys)
- poistaa siemenkota (v: filmin}} [[keskiö]])
- kara (s: central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds / leftover)
- keskusta (s: center or inner part)
- keerna (s: something that produces a hollow space in a casting)
- valusydän (s: something that produces a hollow space in a casting)
- pantti (s: automotive: deposit of a rebuilt part)
- työvuoro (s: miner's underground shift)
Viimeisimmät haut: core, brown thrasher, betreads, brushcut, purser rigged and parish damned, roareth