convert (suomeksi)
- käännynnäinen (s: person who has converted religion / person in favour of something he or she previously opposed or disliked)
- vaihtaa (v: exchange for (something) of equal value)
- muuttaa (v: transform (something) into another form, substance, state, or product / change (something) from one use, function, or purpose to another / exchange for (something) of equal value / express (a quantity) in alternative units)
- muuttua (v: become converted)
- muuntaa (v: transform (something) into another form, substance, state, or product / change (something) from one use, function, or purpose to another / exchange for (something) of equal value / express (a quantity) in alternative units)
- muuntua (v: become converted)
- kääntää (v: express (a quantity) in alternative units)
- ~ to kääntyä (v: jhk uskontoon)
- käännyttää (v: jhk uskontoon / induce (someone) to adopt a particular religion, faith, or belief)
- kääntyä (v: undergo a conversion of religion, faith or belief)