compromise (suomeksi)
- sovitteluratkaisu (s: settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions)
- kompromissi (s: settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions)
- sopimus (s)
- sovittelu (s)
- sopia (v: to bind by mutual agreement)
- tehdä kompromissi (v: to find a way between extremes)
- vaarantaa (v)
- tehdä epäilyksenalaiseksi (v)
- rikkoa turvallisuus (v)
- rikkoa (v: to cause impairment of)
- murtautua (v)
- tehdä toimimattomaksi (v)
- tehdä sopimus (v: to bind by mutual agreement)
- sovitella (v: to find a way between extremes)
- vahingoittaa (v: to cause impairment of)
- murtaa (v: to breach a security system)