college (englanniksi)
- college (s: learning institution / )
- college sweatshirt (s)
- institution (s)
- organization (s: establishment of people with similar aims/goals)
college (suomeksi)
- Britanniassa 16–19-vuotiaiden käymä keskiasteen oppilaitos (s)
- lukio (s: sixth-form college)
- aikuisopisto (s)
- eräiden yliopistojen itsenäinen laitos (s: UK)
- eräiden perusopetusta antavien yksityiskoulujen nimessä (s)
- alempia korkeakoulututkintoja tarjoava yliopisto tai ammattikorkeakoulu (s: USA / bachelor)
- ulkomaisten ammattikoulujen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen nimen käännös (s)
- ammattikunta (s: group of colleagues)
- kollegio (s: group sharing common purposes or goals)
- akatemia (s: academic institution)
- yliopisto (s: academic institution / institution of higher education)
- tiedekunta (s: academic institution / specialized division of a university)
- korkeakoulu (s: institution of higher education / institution of higher education teaching undergraduates / non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university)
- ammattikorkeakoulu (s: institution of higher education teaching undergraduates / institution of further education at an intermediate level)
- opiskelu (s: attendance at an institution of higher education)
- opisto (s: postsecondary institution that does not award bachelor's degrees / in the formal names of private schools: secondary school / institution of further education at an intermediate level / institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level)
- oppilaitos (s: postsecondary institution that does not award bachelor's degrees / institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level)
- toisen asteen oppilaitos (s: high school or secondary school)
- aikuisoppilaitos (s: institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level)
- asuntola (s: residential hall of a university)