care (suomeksi)
- hoito (s: maintenance, upkeep / treatment of those in need)
- hoitaminen (s)
- välittäminen (s)
- huolellisuus (s: close attention, concern or responsibility)
- varovaisuus (s: close attention, concern or responsibility)
- huoli (s: worry)
- hoiva (s: treatment of those in need / state of being cared for)
- hoitotyö (s: treatment of those in need)
- hoivatyö (s: treatment of those in need)
- hoitoala (s: treatment of those in need)
- hoiva-ala (s: treatment of those in need)
- huosta (s: state of being cared for)
- välittää (v: to be concerned about / to be mindful of)
- piitata (v: to be concerned about)
- hoitaa (v: to look after)
- huolehtia (v: to look after)
- conditional form of tahtoa (v: to want, politely)
- haluta (v: to want, politely)
- maistua (v: to want, politely / maistua / of food and drink)