branch (suomeksi)
- oksa (s: woody part of a tree arising from the trunk)
- haara (s: part that divides like the branch of a tree / geometry: one of the portions of a curvethat extends to infinity)
- filiaali (s)
- sivuliike (s)
- haarautua (v: sivuliike / to arise from the trunk or a larger branch of a tree / to produce branches / to jump to a different location in a program, especially as the result of a conditional statement)
- sivujoki (s: creek or stream which flows into a larger river)
- toimipaikka (s: location of an organization with several locations)
- sivukonttori (s: location of an organization with several locations)
- haarakonttori (s: location of an organization with several locations)
- haaraosasto (s: location of an organization with several locations)
- sukuhaara (s: line of family descent)
- ala (s: area in business or of knowledge, research)
- luotsikirja (s: nautical: pilot's certificate)
- haaraantua (v: to produce branches / to jump to a different location in a program, especially as the result of a conditional statement)
Viimeisimmät haut: branch, Olive-yellow Flycatcher, expertized, begallowed, scouring pad, first-person singulars