bond (suomeksi)
- yhdysside (s)
- sidos (s: in chemistry, a link or force between neighbouring atoms in a molecule)
- liitos (s: that which binds, a band / link, connection or union)
- sitoumus (s)
- takuu (s)
- obligaatio (s)
- joukkovelkakirja (s)
- sitoa (v: to connect, secure, or tie)
- antaa sitoumus (v)
- panna tullivarastoon (v)
- side (s: that which binds, a band / link, connection or union / in chemistry, a link or force between neighbouring atoms in a molecule)
- kahle (s: that which binds, a band)
- kiinnityskirja (s: binding agreement, a covenant)
- velkakirja (s: documentary obligation to pay a sum or to perform a contract)
- kiinnittää (v: to connect, secure, or tie)
- kahlehtia (v: to connect, secure, or tie)
- muodostaa sidos (v: To form a chemical compound with)
- sitoutua (v: To form a chemical compound with)