Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
blow (suomeksi)
- lyönti (s)
- isku (s: act of striking or hitting / damaging occurrence)
- puhallus (s)
- tuulla (v)
- puhaltaa (v: to produce an air current / to propel by an air current / to create or shape by blowing / to blow a musical instrument to make it give a sound / (of a cetacean) exhale visibly through the spout the seawater )
- räjäyttää (v: to cause to explode )
- niistää (v)
- ottaa suihin (v: alatyyliä / yhteys / to fellate )
- lentää (v: to be propelled by an air current )
- lennähtää (v: to be propelled by an air current )
- lennellä (v: to be propelled by an air current )
- soittaa (v: to blow a musical instrument to make it give a sound )
- soida (v: to make a sound as if being blown )
- suihkuttaa (v: (of a cetacean) exhale visibly through the spout the seawater )
- räjähtää (v: to explode )
- rikkoa (v: to cause sudden destruction )
- särkeä (v: to cause sudden destruction )
- polttaa (v: to cause sudden destruction / by electric current)
- rikkoutua (v: to fail suddenly destructively )
- särkyä (v: to fail suddenly destructively )
- palaa (v: to fail suddenly destructively / by electric current)
- olla syvä (v: be very undesirable )
- tuhlata (v: to squander )
- törsätä (v: to squander )
- häipyä (v: to leave )
- puhuri (s: strong wind)
- kova tuuli (s: strong wind)
- hengähdystauko (s: chance to catch one’s breath)
- henkeä (s: chance to catch one’s breath)
- takaisku (s: damaging occurrence)
- kukkaloisto (s: mass or display of flowers)
- loisto (s: display of anything brilliant / state of flowering)
- kukinta (s: state of flowering)