block (suomeksi)
- kappale (s)
- järkäle (s: substantial often approximatey cuboid piece)
- lohkare (s: substantial often approximatey cuboid piece)
- este (s: something that prevents passing)
- tukko (s)
- ploki (s: merenkulku / yhteys / part of a ship's rigging / volleyball: defensive play)
- pylpyrä (s: merenkulku / yhteys / part of a ship's rigging)
- väkipyörä (s: merenkulku / yhteys)
- esto (s: merenkulku)
- blokkaus (s: merenkulku / sports: action to interfere)
- kortteli (s: merenkulku / group of buildings demarcated by streets / distance from one street to another)
- lohko (s: tietotekniikka / yhteys)
- sulkukorkeapaine (s: meteorologia / yhteys)
- kimpale (substantial often approximatey cuboid piece)
- pölkky (substantial often approximatey cuboid piece / pölkky / wooden block / chopping block; cuboid base for cutting or beheading)
- leikkauspölkky (chopping block; cuboid base for cutting or beheading / leikkauspölkky / for cutting)
- mestauspölkky (chopping block; cuboid base for cutting or beheading / leikkauspölkkymestauspölkky / for beheading)
- asuinkerrostalo (residential building consisting of flats)
- korttelinväli (distance from one street to another)
- nuppi (slang:human head)
- polla (slang:human head)
- lehtiö (set of paper sheets)
- palikka (computing: region of code that acts as single unit)
- tukos (something that prevents passing)
- sulku (something that prevents passing)
- saarto (something that prevents passing)
- estäminen (sports: action to interfere)
- näpäys (cricket: shot played by vertical bat)
- torjunta (volleyball: defensive play)
- neliö (philately: joined group of stamps, forming square)
- halko (section of split log used as fuel)
- tukkia (v: to fill, making it impossible to pass / to prevent passing)
- sulkea (v: to prevent passing)
- estää (v: to prevent an action / to impede opponent / to disable communication)
- ehkäistä (v: to prevent an action)
- salvata (v: to prevent an action)
- pysäyttää (v: to impede opponent)
- muotoilla (v: to stretch or mould into the desired shape)
- Sana perusmuodossa: bloc