Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
backstep (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- A step backwards
- (lb, en, geology) An abrupt subsidence or change in deposition preserved in the sedimentary record due to a marine transgression.
- (lb, en, fluid mechanics) Flow over a backward-facing step.
- The process of going back and finishing a specification that was incomplete at the start of a process, once enough progress has been made to know the full details.
- A platform at the rear of a firetruck where a firefighter can stand.
- To take a step backwards
- To return to a previous place or time.
- To retract or take back.
- To be arranged in steps going backwards.
- (lb, en, geology, of a shoreline) To recede in an abrupt fashion due to marine transgression.
- To finish a specification that was initially incomplete once enough progress has been made to know all the details.