Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
attachment (suomeksi)
- kiintymys (s: strong bonding towards or with)
- liite (s: file sent along with an email)
- liitetiedosto (s: file sent along with an email)
- riippuvuus (s: dependence, especially a strong one)
- lisälaite (s: device attached to a piece of equipment or a tool)
- lisävaruste (s: device attached to a piece of equipment or a tool)
- kiinnitys (s: process or means by which something is physically attached)
- kiinnike (s: process or means by which something is physically attached)
- kiinnekohta (s: process or means by which something is physically attached)
- ulosotto (s: legal: taking a person's property to satisfy a debt)