apocatastasis (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- (lb, en, rare) restoration, renovation, reestablishment, ''particularly:''
- (lb, en, especially, religion, rare) An apocalypse leading to the remaking of the world rather than a Final Judgment, (lb, en, Catholic) an Origenist heresy condemned by the 543 (A.D.) (w, Synod of Constantinople).
- * '''1678''', Ralph Cudworth translating Julius Firmicus, ''The true intellectual system of the universe'', I iv 328:
- *: The Egyptians were the first assertors of the soul's immortality, and of its transmigration, after the death and corruption of this body, into the bodies of other animals successively, viz. until it have run round through the whole circuit of terrestrial, marine, and volatile animals, after which, they say, it is to return again into a human body; they supposing this revolution or '''apocatastasis''' of souls to be made in no less space than that of three thousand years.
- * '''1885''', Philip Schaff translating the anathemas confirmed by the 553 (A.D.) Second Ecumenical Council in ''The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers'':
- *: If anyone shall say that all reasonable beings will one day be united in one, when the hypostases as well as the numbers and the bodies shall have disappeared,... moreover, that in this pretended '''apocatastasis''', spirits only will continue to exist... let him be anathema.
- *: A Tradition...concerning the '''Apocatastasis''' of the World...partly by Inundation and partly by Conflagration.
- * '''2003''' January, Edward Moore, "Origen of Alexandria and apokatastasis: Some Notes on the Development of a Noble Notion":
- *: The Stoic idea was based upon an astronomical doctrine according to which the return ('''''apokatastasis''''') of the planets to their proper "celestial signs" initiates the conflagration (''ekpurôsis''), which is the reduction of the entire cosmos to its primal element (fire), after which follows the rebirth of all existing things.
- (lb, en, religion) The doctrine that all souls will enter heaven or paradise, (lb, en, Catholic) an Origenist heresy condemned by the 543 (A.D.) Synod of Constantinople.
- * '''1867''', R.E. Wallis translating F.J. Delitzsch, ''A system of Biblical psychology'', VII 552:
- *: No doctrine...contradicts the Holy Scripture in a more unwarrantable manner than that of the so-called '''Apokatastasis'''.
- : '''1907''', Pierre Batiffol, ''The Catholic Encyclopedia''
- *: '''''Apocatastasis''''', A name given in the history of theology to the doctrine which teaches that a time will come when all free creatures will share in the grace of salvation.
- (lb, en, medical, rare) return, Return to an earlier condition.
- * '''1753''', ''A supplement to Mr. Chambers's Cyclopædia'':
- *: We read of '''Apocatastasis''' or urine...of tumours, and other diseases.
- * '''1880''', ''The New Sydenham Society's lexicon of medicine and the allied sciences''
- *: '''''Apocatastasis''''', The subsidence of a tumour, or the re-establishment of an exudation or secretion.
- (lb, en, astronomy) return, Return to the same apparent position, as after a revolution.
- * '''1822''', Thomas Taylor translating (w, Apuleius), ''Metamorphosis, or (w, Golden Ass)'', I 33:
- *: The accurate '''apocatastasis''' (i.e. regression to the same sign) of the moon, and in a similar manner of the sun.
Viimeisimmät haut: apocatastasis, foraminifers, Wernerian, heteroheptamer, Southern Cherokee Nation, Marrero