age (suomeksi)
- ikä (s: whole duration of a being / part of the duration of a being or thing between its beginning and any given time / one of the stages of life)
- elinaika (s)
- elinikä (s: whole duration of a being)
- vanhuus (s: latter part of life)
- täysi-ikäisyys (s: time of life when one attains full person rights)
- sukupolvi (s: generation (see also generation))
- aika (s: particular period of time in history)
- aikakausi (s)
- ajanjakso (s)
- vanheta (v: intransitive: become old)
- ikääntyä (v)
- kypsyä (v)
- vanhentaa (v)
- jakso (s: one of the stages of life)
- -ikä (s: time of life at which some particular power or capacity is understood to become vested)
- kausi (s: particular period of time in history / great period in the history of the Earth)
- geologinen kausi (s: great period in the history of the Earth)
- aikalaiset (s: people who live at a particular period)
- ikäpolvi (s: generation (see also generation))
- ikuisuus (s: a long time)
- iäisyys (s: a long time)
- vanhentua (v: intransitive: become old)