absorb (suomeksi)
- imeä (v: to include so that it no longer has separate existence / to suck up or drink in / physics: to take up by chemical or physical action)
- absorboida (v: fysiikka / physics: to take up by chemical or physical action)
- sulattaa itseensä (v)
- vallata (v: kuva)
- viedä kokonaan (v)
- kiehtoa (v)
- omaksua (v: tietoa / to learn)
- imaista (v: to include so that it no longer has separate existence / imaista / momentane / to suck up or drink in / imaista / momentane)
- niellä (v: to include so that it no longer has separate existence / imaista)
- nielaista (v: to include so that it no longer has separate existence / imaistanielaista / momentane)