abortion (suomeksi)
- abortti (s: induced abortion / act of inducing abortion)
- keskenmeno (s: miscarriage)
- surkastuminen (s: biologia / biology: arrest of development of an organ)
- kehityksen pysähtyminen varhaisella asteella (s)
- rauennut yritys (s: kuva)
- pannukakku (s)
- raskaudenkeskeytys (s: induced abortion / act of inducing abortion)
- keskonen (s: immature product of an untimely birth)
- surkastuma (s: fruit/produce that doesn't come to maturity)
- keskeytys (s: the act of aborting a project, etc)
- keskeyttäminen (s: the act of aborting a project, etc)
- tekele (s: something ugly)