aberration (suomeksi)
- eksyminen (s: act of wandering or deviation; abnormality)
- harhautuminen (s: act of wandering or deviation; abnormality)
- mielenhäiriö (s)
- aberraatio (s: optics: convergence to different foci / astronomy: small periodical change of position of heavenly bodies / minor or temporary mental disorder / zoology, botany: atypical development or structure / medicine: deviation from normal range)
- poikkeama (s: act of wandering or deviation; abnormality / optics: convergence to different foci / minor or temporary mental disorder / medicine: deviation from normal range)
- harhamuunnos (s: kasvi-, eläintiede / zoology, botany: atypical development or structure)
- poikkeavuus (s: act of wandering or deviation; abnormality)
- hairahdus (s: act of wandering or deviation; abnormality)
- säännöttömyys (s: act of wandering or deviation; abnormality)
- ajatusvirhe (s: partial alienation of reason)
- erehdys (s: partial alienation of reason)
- harhapolku (s: partial alienation of reason)