ZIP (suomeksi)
- vetoketju (s)
- puhti (s: energy, vigor, vim)
- tarmo (s)
- postinumero (s: US postal code / any postal code)
- vinkuna (s: high-pitched sound)
- viuhina (s: high-pitched sound / viuhina / continuous)
- vingahdus (s: high-pitched sound / viuhina)
- viuhahdus (s: high-pitched sound / viuhinaviuhahdus / individual)
- virta (s: energy, vigor, vim)
- viuh (i: high-pitched sound (interjection))
- sulkea vetoketjulla (v: to close with a zip fastener)
- sulkea (v: to close as if with a zip fastener)
- sinetöidä (v: to close as if with a zip fastener)
- pakata (v: to convert a computer file into a smaller package)
- ujeltaa (v: to move rapidly with a high-pitched sound)
- vilahtaa (v: to move in haste)
- kipaista (v: to move in haste)
- zip-koodi (s: US postal code)