Western (suomeksi)
- läntinen (a: pertaining to the west / läntinen / concretely / blowing from the west)
- länsi- (a: pertaining to the west / blowing from the west)
- länsimainen (a: pertaining to the west / läntinenlänsimainen / culturally or politically)
- lännenelokuva (s)
- lännen- (a: of or pertaining to a genre dealing with the Old West)
- lännenfilmi (s: film or other dramatic work / lännenfilmi / film)
- lännentarina (s: film or other dramatic work / lännenfilmilännentarina / story)
- länkkäri (s: film or other dramatic work / lännenfilmilännentarinalänkkäri / any dramatic work)
Viimeisimmät haut: Western, parangi, feels over reals, neurostructural, orthochrysotiles, defrosters