Wash (suomeksi)
- pesu (s: process or an instance of washing or being washed by water)
- pyykki (s: clothes washed at a time)
- kohina (s: aaltojen / sound of breaking seas / t)
- vanavesi (s: wake of a ship)
- peräaalto (s: wake of a ship)
- jättöpyörre (s: turbulence left by airplane)
- huuhtouma (s: ground washed away to the sea or a river)
- matalikko (s: shallow body of water)
- pestä (v: to clean with water)
- peseytyä (v: to clean oneself)
- huuhtoa (v: to move or erode by the force of water in motion / mining: to separate valuable material / to cover with liquid; to wet, moisten / huuhtoa / to cover with water)
- huuhtoutua (v: to be eroded / to be wasted or worn away)
- tiskata (v: to clean with water / tiskata / dishes)
- pyykätä (v: to clean with water / tiskatapyykätä / clothes)
- kastella (v: to cover with liquid; to wet, moisten / huuhtoakastella / to wet)
- kostuttaa (v: to cover with liquid; to wet, moisten / huuhtoakastellakostuttaa / to moisten)
- vakuuttaa (v: to be convincing)
- kestää pesua (v: to bear washing without injury / kestää pesua / generally)
- kestää pesun (v: to bear washing without injury / kestää pesuakestää pesun / particular instance of washing)
- sävyttää (v: to tint lightly and thinly)
- silata (v: to overlay with a thin coat of metal)
- huuhde (s: liquid for washing)
- pesuneste (s: liquid for washing)
- laveeraus (s: painting)
- -vesi (s: lotion / e.g. suuvesi)
- -huuhde (s: lotion / e.g. silmähuuhde)
- -saippua (s: lotion / e.g. käsisaippua)
- särkkä (s: piece of ground washed by the action of water)
- jokiuoma (s: normally dry bed of an intermittent or ephemeral stream)
- wadi (s: normally dry bed of an intermittent or ephemeral stream)
- tasapeli (s: situation in which losses and gains are equivalent)
- rankki (s: distilling: fermented wort)
- mäski (s: mixture of dunder, molasses, water, and scummings)
- metallointi (s: thin coat of metal laid on anything)
- lape (s: nautical: blade of an oar)
- kouru (s: architecture: structure shaped so as to receive and carry off water)