Tack (suomeksi)
- nuppineula (s)
- nupi (s: small nail)
- harsinta (s: loose seam)
- etukulma (s: nautical: lower corner of the leading edge of a sail)
- halssikulma (s: nautical: lower corner of the leading edge of a sail)
- luovi (s: nautical: course or heading)
- kurssi (s: course of action)
- suunta (s: course of action)
- vastakäännös (s: nautical: maneuver)
- venda (s: nautical: maneuver)
- halssi (s: nautical: rope used to hold in place the foremost lower corner of the sail)
- valjaat (s: any equipment worn by horse / valjaat / draft)
- satulointi (s: any equipment worn by horse / valjaatsatulointi / riding)
- tahmeus (s: chemistry: stickiness)
- kiinnittää nupeilla (v: to nail with tacks)
- harsia (v: to stitch)
- kursia (v: to stitch)
- tehdä vastakäännös (v: nautical: to turn the bow through the wind)
- tehdä venda (v: nautical: to turn the bow through the wind)
- vendata (v: nautical: to turn the bow through the wind)
- liittää kylkiäiseksi (v: to add onto, to tack one thing onto another)
- valjastaa (v: to tack up a horse / valjastaa / for draft animal)
- satuloida (v: to tack up a horse / valjastaasatuloida / for riding)