Square (suomeksi)
- neliö (s: type of polygon / second power / body of troops in a square formation)
- ruutu (s: cell in a grid / the '#' symbol on a telephone / pane of glass)
- aukio (s: open space in a town)
- tori (s: open space in a town)
- suorakulma (s: työkalu / tool)
- toinen potenssi (s: second power)
- jäykkis (s: slang: socially conventional person)
- risuaita (s: the '#' symbol on a telephone)
- sata neliöjalkaa (s: unit of measurement of area / unit for measuring roof area)
- sopusointu (s: harmony or exact agreement)
- miehusta (s: front of a woman's dress)
- rööki (s: slang: cigarette)
- spaddu (s: slang: cigarette)
- neliömäinen (a: shaped like a square / having shape broad for the height, with angular outlines)
- nelikulmainen (a: shaped like a square)
- kohtisuora (a: forming a right angle)
- suorakulmaisesti (a: forming a right angle / suorakulmaisesti / adverb)
- neliö- (a: used in the names of units)
- suora (a: honest, straightforward)
- tasoissa (a: even, tied)
- tasan (a: even, tied / tasan / adverbs)
- konventionaalinen (a: socially conventional)
- tiukkapipoinen (a: socially conventional)
- oikeansuuntainen (a: correctly aligned)
- kunnollinen (a: hearty, vigorous)
- suoristaa (v: to adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle)
- ratkaista (v: to adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle)
- sovittaa (v: to adjust or adapt so as to bring into harmony with something)
- selittää (v: to adjust or adapt so as to bring into harmony with something)
- korottaa toiseen potenssiin (v: math: to multiply by itself)
- korottaa neliöön (v: math: to multiply by itself)
- neliöidä (v: geometry: to draw a square with same area as something else)
- t|fi|syöttää poikittain (v: soccer: to make a short low pass sideways across the pitch)
- antaa poikittaissyöttö}} (v: soccer: to make a short low pass sideways across the pitch)
- noudattaa (v: to be consistent with)
- olla jonkin mukainen (v: to be consistent with)
- asettua poikkiteloin (v: to take an attitude of offense or defense, or of defiance)
- jalustaa poikittain (v: nautical: to place at right angles with the keel / jalustaa poikittain / of the sail)