Space (suomeksi)
- avaruus (s: area beyond atmosphere of planets / geometry: set of points / mathematics: generalized construct or set)
- tyhjyys (s)
- tila (s: physical extent in two or three dimensions / personal freedom / bounded or specific physical extent)
- paikka (s: bounded or specific physical extent / music: position on the staff)
- välilyönti (s)
- aika (s: interval of time)
- aikaväli (s: interval of time)
- väli (s: gap between written characters, lines etc.)
- sanaväli (s: gap between written characters, lines etc. / piece of type used to separate words)
- ala (s: figuratively: marketplace for goods or services)
- Sana perusmuodossa: espace
Viimeisimmät haut: Space, kiitos samoin, nigger in the woodpile, falsie, geranyylipyrofosfaatti, scammer