Romance (suomeksi)
- romanssi (s: intimate relationship, love affair / music: sentimental ballad)
- intohimo (s: strong obsession or attachment)
- romanttinen rakkaus (s: idealized love)
- kiehtova piirre (s: mysterious, fascinating quality)
- romanttinen kertomus (s: story or novel dealing with idealized love)
- rakkausromaani (s: story or novel dealing with idealized love)
- romanttinen tarina (s: embellished account)
- ritaritarina (s: story relating to chivalry)
- ritariballadi (s: story relating to chivalry)
- haaveellisuus (s: dreamy, imaginative habit of mind)
- romanttisuus (s: dreamy, imaginative habit of mind)