Ready (suomeksi)
- valmis (a: prepared for immediate action or use / liable at any moment)
- valmiiksi (d)
- expressed with 5th infinitive of a verb (a: inclined, apt to happen)
- nopea (a: not slow or hesitating; quick in action or perception)
- valpas (a: not slow or hesitating; quick in action or perception)
- nopeaälyinen (a: not slow or hesitating; quick in action or perception)
- sanavalmis (a: not slow or hesitating; quick in action or perception)
- käytettävissä oleva (a: at hand; opportune; convenient)
- kätevä (a: at hand; opportune; convenient)
- näppärä (a: at hand; opportune; convenient)
- valmistaa (v: to make prepared for action)
- valmistella (v: to make prepared for action)
- varustaa (v: to make prepared for action)