Race (suomeksi)
- kilpailu (s: juoksu- ja nopeuslajeissa / contest)
- kulku (s)
- meno (s)
- joenuoma (s)
- inkiväärinjuuri (s)
- rotu (s: ihmisistä / a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of a common heritage / a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of common, physical characteristics / one of the categories from the many subcategorizations of the human species / a population geographically separated from others of its species that develops significantly different characteristics; informal for subspecies / a breed or strain of domesticated animal)
- lajike (s)
- kilpa (s: contest)
- eteneminen (s: progressive movement toward a goal)
- voimakas virta (s: fast moving current of water)
- koski (s: fast moving current of water)
- kilpailla (v: to take part in a race)
- kisailla (v: to take part in a race)
- kiitää (v: to move or drive at high speed)
- porhaltaa (v: to move or drive at high speed)
- rynnätä (v: to move or drive at high speed)
- syöksyä (v: to move or drive at high speed)