REACH (suomeksi)
- ulottuvuus (s: act of stretching or extending; extension / power of stretching out or extending action / extent; stretch; expanse / boxing: distance a boxer's arm can extend)
- saapua jnnek (v)
- jhk (v)
- tulla jnnek (v)
- päästä jnnek (v)
- saavuttaa jk (v)
- tavoittaa jk (v)
- päästä jhk (v)
- kurottaa (v)
- reach out to pyytää apua (v)
- kääntyä jonkun puoleen (v)
- ojentaa (v: to extend, to thrust out / to deliver by stretching out, to hand over / to obtain by stretching forth, to extend so as to touch / to stretch out the hand)
- ylettyä (v: to obtain by stretching forth, to extend so as to touch)
- osua (v: to hit with an arrow, a bullet etc.)
- ulottaa (v: to extend an action, effort, or influence to)
- ulottua (v: to touch by virtue of extent)
- saapua (v: to arrive at by effort)
- käsittää (v: to understand; to comprehend)
- venyä (v: to strain after something; to make efforts)
- venyttää (v: to extend in dimension, time or action, so as to touch, attain to, or be equal to, something)
- kantama (s: act of stretching or extending; extension)
- alue (s: extended portion of land or water)
- sivutuuli (s: nautical: point of sail)