Plough (suomeksi)
- Otava (s)
- aura (s: device pulled through the ground)
- Iso Karhu (s: alternative name for Ursa Major)
- urahöylä (s: plane for making grooves)
- tasausleikkuri (s: bookbinder's implement)
- kyntää (v: to use a plough on to prepare for planting / to use a plough / kyntää / to prepare for planting / nautical: to run through water)
- aurata (v: to use a plough / kyntääaurata / to use a plough e.g. for removing snow)
- köyriä (v: vulgar: to have sex with)
- jyrätä (v: to move with force)
- urittaa (v: to furrow)
- kynsiä (v: to furrow / kynsiä / with nails)
- tasata (v: bookbinding: to trim)
- tehdä ura (v: joinery: to cut a groove in)