Mill (suomeksi)
- mylly (s: grinding apparatus / building housing a grinding apparatus / establishment that handles a certain type of situation routinely)
- tehdas (s: manufacturing plant / building)
- dollarin tuhannesosa (s: symboli: ₥)
- jauhaa (v: grind or process using a mill or other machine)
- rouhia (v)
- parveilla (v)
- tungeksia (v)
- tehdasrakennus (s: building)
- jyrsiä (v: grind or process using a mill or other machine / engrave groove around the edge of)
- työstää (v: shape, polish, etc, using a machine)
- kaivertaa (v: engrave groove around the edge of)
- pyöriä (v: move about in an aimless fashion)