Mid-Atlantic (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- The middle of the East Coast of the United States.
- The middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
- (non-gloss definition, Used alone, with "the".)
- * '''1880''', William B. Carpenter, “The Deep Sea and its Contents”, in ''The Nineteenth Century'', Volume 7, Number 38 (April 1880), [http://books.google.com/books?id=a7DQAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA609&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 609]:
- *: All the best hydrographers, both of this country and of the United States, agree in the conclusion that the Florida Current dies out in the '''mid-Atlantic''', losing all the attributes by which it had been previously distinguished—(...)
- * '''1919''', Commander John H. Towers, “The Great Hop”, in ''Everybody's Magazine'', the Ridgeway Company, Volume XLI, Number Five (November 1919), [http://books.google.com/books?id=LrbmAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA4-PA11&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 11]:
- *: They gave us a wonderful cheer, wished us good luck by wireless, then headed out for the '''mid-Atlantic''' to take up their posts.
- * '''2005''', Kendall F. Haven, ''Wonders of the Sea'', Libraries Unlimited, (ISBN, 978-1-59158-279-3), [http://books.google.com/books?id=EcucbYDL0ucC&pg=PA78&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 78]:
- *: New evidence hints at the possibility that a landmass ''might'' have existed in the '''mid-Atlantic''' as recently as 12,000 years ago and that (...)
- (non-gloss definition, Used alone, after a verb or preposition of location, without "the".)
- * '''1875''', Ralph Abercromby, letter to the editor, in Sir Norman Lockyer (editor), ''Nature'', Volume 12, Number 311 (14 October 1875), Macmillian and Co., [http://books.google.com/books?id=eMgKAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA514&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 514]:
- *: Cyclones coming from Labrador work round this hump to the S.E., and die out in '''mid-Atlantic'''.
- * '''1906''', Edwin Fowler, "At Bay", in ''The Metropolitan Magazine'', Volume XXIII, Number IV (January 1906), [http://books.google.com/books?id=2XnNAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA440&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 440]:
- *: I made my way up and found we were hurtling out toward '''mid-Atlantic'''.
- * '''1957''', Malcolm Francis Willoughby, ''The U.S. Coast Guard in World War II'', Ayer Publishing (1980), (ISBN, 9780405130816), [http://books.google.com/books?id=T5A9LCujs08C&pg=PA128&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 128]:
- *: Just before invasion of Normandy in June 1944, three additional stations, requested by the Army, were located far out in '''mid-Atlantic'''.
- * '''2011''', Andrew Wheen, ''Dot-Dash to Dot.com: How Modern Telecommunications Evolved from the Telegraph to the Internet'', Springer, (ISBN, 978-1-4419-6759-6), [http://books.google.com/books?id=B6shu_hAiGkC&pg=PA20&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 20]:
- *: The plan was that the ''Niagara'' would lay its half of the cable first and the ''Agamemnon'' would then take over when they reached '''mid-Atlantic'''.
- (non-gloss definition, Used as an attributive modifier in compounds such as "mid-Atlantic current" and "Mid-Atlantic Ridge"): located in, or otherwise relating to, the mid-Atlantic.
- * '''1910''', W. H. Holmes, “Some Problems of the American Race”, in ''American Anthropologist'', Volume 12, Number 2 (April–June 1910), the American Anthropological Association, [http://books.google.com/books?id=s44nAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA173&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 173]:
- *: As they appear today these approaches are first, the north Atlantic chain of islands connecting northern Europe with Labrador; second, the '''mid-Atlantic''' currents setting steadily westward from the African coast to South America and the West Indies; third, (...)
- * '''1982''', Roger Hékinian, ''Petrology of the Ocean Floor'', Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, (ISBN, 978-0-444-41967-5), [http://books.google.com/books?id=8qCQw-JQ75oC&pg=PA11&dq=%22Mid-Atlantic%22 page 11]:
- *: The gabbros from both the '''Mid-Atlantic''' Ridge and Mid-Indian Oceanic Ridge, showing a wide range in the FeO/MgO ratio (0.30–2.90), suggest a marked trend of fractionation (Fig. 1-3).
- * '''2007''', David Owen, ''Anti-Submarine Warfare: An Illustrated History'', Naval Institute Press, (ISBN, 978-1-59114-014-6), [http://books.google.com/books?id=4az4yHa2hd4C&pg=PA103&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 103]:
- *: Instead, British historian Dr Alfred Price has suggested that, had a smaller number of these bombers been available a year later, the results in the '''mid-Atlantic''' battle might have been very different.
- (lb, en, figuratively) (non-gloss definition, Used as an attributive modifier in compounds such as "mid-Atlantic accent" and "mid-Atlantic English"): half-American, half-European; combining American and European elements.
- * '''1982''', John Cornelius, ''Liverpool 8'', Liverpool University Press (2001), (ISBN, 978-0-85323-877-5), [http://books.google.com/books?id=S6Eb7tn3U0EC&pg=PA29&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 29]:
- *: ‘That lecturer sure is a pain in the ass, man,’ said Keith, in a contrived, '''mid-Atlantic''' accent.
- * '''2002''', Marko Modiano, “Standardization processes and the '''mid-Atlantic''' English paradigm”, in Andrew Robert Linn and Nicola McLelland (editors), ''Standardization: Studies from the Germanic Languages'', John Benjamins Publishing Company, (ISBN, 978-90-272-4747-6), [http://books.google.com/books?id=mmGKmKU1mU4C&pg=PA238&dq=%22Mid-Atlantic%22 pages 237–238]:
- *: With English, however, the notion that there is a given standard, be it BrE or AmE, is currently being undermined by the tendency of Europeans to mix features of AmE and BrE, which along with traces of a mother tongue accent and mother-toungue-based discourse strategies, now characterize the language behaviour of a growing number of foreign-language speakers of English living in mainland Europe. One way of describing this type of language behaviour is to use the designator '''''Mid-Atlantic''' English'' (''MAE'') (see Modiano 1996a; 1996b; 1998; 1999a; 2002).
- * '''2008''', Susan Pitchford, ''Identity Tourism: Imaging and Imagining the Nation'', Emerald Group Publishing, (ISBN, 978-0-08-046618-7), [http://books.google.com/books?id=K4rzzj2bDLAC&pg=PA7&dq=%22mid-Atlantic%22 page 7]:
- *: Especially given the continued dominance of the developed North, there is some cause for concern that a creeping cultural homogenization will leave us with only a bland, '''mid-Atlantic''' culture where local identities once flourished.
Viimeisimmät haut: Mid-Atlantic, hay rides, suihkuttaa märäksi, carriagelike, purple rices, oksiduuli