Lot (suomeksi)
- joukko (s: informal: a number of people taken collectively)
- määrä (s)
- osa (s: that which happens without human design or forethought)
- kohtalo (s: that which happens without human design or forethought)
- osuus (s)
- arpa (s: onnenpeli / anything used in determining a question by chance)
- palsta (s)
- tontti (s: distinct portion or plot of land)
- erä (s: number of things taken collectively)
- tavaraerä (s: AmE)
- porukka (s: arkikieltä / yhteys)
- sakki (s: arkikieltä / yhteys)
- loot (s: nephew of Abraham)
- arpaonni (s: fate that falls to one by chance)
- voitto (s: prize in a lottery)
- arpajaisvoitto (s: prize in a lottery)