Hire (suomeksi)
- palkata (v: to employ / to exchange the services of for remuneration)
- työsuhde (s: the state of being hired, or having a job; employment)
- palvelus (s: the state of being hired, or having a job; employment)
- työntekijä (s: a person who has been hired)
- vuokrata (v: to obtain the services of in return for fixed payment / to exchange the services of for remuneration)
- työllistää (v: to employ)
- ottaa työhön (v: to employ)
- teettää (v: to exchange the services of for remuneration / to accomplish by paying for services)
- mennä töihin (v: to accept employment)
- palkkautua (v: to accept employment)
Viimeisimmät haut: Hire, codirector, ice up, financial statement, artillerywomen, syntiin kykenemätön