Crew (suomeksi)
- miehistö (s: group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment / miehistö / means of transport / non-officer nautical personnel / miehistö / collectively / rowing: team manning a single shell)
- käyttöhenkilöstö (s: group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment / miehistökäyttöhenkilöstö / industrial plant)
- väki (s: group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment / miehistökäyttöhenkilöstö)
- joukko (s: any company of people)
- miehistön jäsen (s: non-officer nautical personnel / member of a crew)
- joukkue (s: group of people working on common task / joukkue / competitive)
- ryhmä (s: group of people working on common task / joukkueryhmä / non-competitive)
- avustajat (s: arts: non-actor members of a theatrical stage production)
- sakki (s: informal: group of friends or associates)
- vartio (s: Scouting: group of Rovers)
- vaeltajavartio (s: Scouting: group of Rovers)
- avustaja (s: arts: non-actor member of a theatrical stage production)
- soutu (s: rowing: sport of competitive rowing)
- kilpasoutu (s: rowing: sport of competitive rowing)
- kuulua miehistöön (v: to be a member of a vessel's crew / to be a member of a work or production crew / nautical: to do the proper work of a sailor)
- miehittää (v: to supply workers or sailors for a crew)
- värvätä (v: nautical: to recruit a crew)
- palkata miehistö (v: nautical: to recruit a crew)