Craft (suomeksi)
- taito (s: käsityö)
- ammattikunta (s: members of a trade collectively)
- juonikkuus (s)
- ammattitaito (s: skill in one's work / skilled practice of practical occupation)
- johtamistaito (s: skill in making plans and carrying them into execution)
- viekkaus (s: cunning, shrewdness)
- oveluus (s: cunning, shrewdness)
- kilta (s: members of a trade collectively / kilta / guild as organization)
- kalastusvälineet (s: nautical: fishing or whaling implements)
- valaanpyyntivälineet (s: nautical: fishing or whaling implements)
- veneet (s: nautical: boats, especially of smaller size than ships)
- peli (s: figuratively: woman)
- alus (s: vehicle designed for navigation)
- ammatti (s: particular kind of skilled work)
- tehdä käsin (v: to make by hand)
- muotoilla (v: to construct, develop like craftsman)