Check (suomeksi)
- sekki (s)
- lasku (s: etenkin ravintolassa / a bill, particularly at a restaurant)
- tarkastaa (v)
- tarkistaa (v: to inspect, examine / to verify the accuracy of a text or translation / to verify or compare with a source of information)
- rastittaa (v: to mark with a checkmark)
- merkitä (v: ruutu lomakkeessa tms. / to mark with a checkmark)
- shakata (v: shakki / yhteys)
- shakki (s: chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece)
- šakki (s: chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece)
- tarkistusmerkki (s: a mark like a v or sometimes x used as an indicator)
- pukki (s: a mark like a v or sometimes x used as an indicator)
- tarkastus (s: an inspection or examination)
- tutkimus (s: an inspection or examination)
- tutkia (v: to inspect, examine)
- tsekata (v: to inspect, examine / tsekata / colloquial / to verify or compare with a source of information / tsekata / colloquial)
- kielentarkistaa (v: to verify the accuracy of a text or translation)
- hillitä (v: to control, limit, or halt)
- sököttää (v: (poker) to remain in the hand without betting)
- ruutukuvio (s: a checkered pattern)
Viimeisimmät haut: Check, lipophilicities, trilithionite, hope springs eternal in the human breast, life-line, blacksplain