Bastard (suomeksi)
- avioton (a)
- äpärä (s: alatyyliä / person born to unmarried parents)
- epämiellyttävä henkilö (s: alatyyliä)
- kusipää (s: contemptible etc. person)
- paskiainen (s: contemptible etc. person / humorously: man, fellow)
- sekasikiö (s: mongrel / variation that is not genuine)
- Kirjasintyyppi bastardi (s)
- lehtolapsi (s: person born to unmarried parents)
- avioton lapsi (s: person born to unmarried parents)
- au-lapsi (s: person born to unmarried parents)
- ristisiitos (s: mongrel)
- mulkku (s: contemptible etc. person)
- roisto (s: contemptible etc. person)
- jätkä (s: humorously: man, fellow)
- kiusankappale (s: informal: something extremely difficult or unpleasant)
- jäljitelmä (s: variation that is not genuine)
- keski- (s: intermediate-grade steel file)