Base (suomeksi)
- alhainen (a)
- pohja (s: something from which other things extend / pohja / concrete)
- perustus (s: something from which other things extend)
- kanta (s: matematiikka / yhteys / elektroniikka / yhteys / lowermost part of a column / botany: end of a leaf, petal or similar organ where it is attached to its support / electronics: controlling terminal of a transistor / geometry: lowest side or face / math: number raised to the power of an exponent / topology: set of sets from which a topology is derived / linguistics: morpheme that serves as foundation on which affixes can be attached)
- kantaluku (s: matematiikka / yhteys / math: number raised to the power of an exponent)
- tukikohta (s: matematiikka / permanent structure for housing military)
- emäs (s: kemia / yhteys / chemical compound that will neutralize an acid / biology: nucleobase in the context of DNA or RNA)
- pesä (s: kemia / pallopeleissä, piipun tms. / safe zone in children's game / baseball: one of the three places that a runner can stand in safety)
- perusta (s: something from which other things extend / pohjaperusta / figuratively)
- lähtökohta (s: starting point of thought)
- päämaja (s: headquarters)
- perusraaka-aine (s: cooking, painting, pharmacy: basic but essential component or ingredient)
- puretin (s: substance used as mordant in dyeing)
- perusvoide (s: cosmetics: a cosmetic cream to make the face appear uniform)
- koti (s: safe zone in children's game)
- lehtikanta (s: botany: end of a leaf, petal or similar organ where it is attached to its support / lehtikanta / leaf base)
- tyviö (s: heraldic charge: lowest third of a shield or escutcheon)
- tyvi (s: heraldry: lower part of the field)
- alamies (s: acrobatics, cheerleading: person who supports the flyer)
- helma (s: lower part of a robe or petticoat)
- perusviiva (s: surveying: line that serves as the origin for measurements)
- perustaa (v: have as its foundation or starting point)
- sijaita (v: be located)
- matala (low)
- ala-arvoinen (of inferior quality)
- moraaliton (immoral)
- säädytön (immoral)
- yleinen (vulgar, common)
- Sana perusmuodossa: bass / Sana perusmuodossa: BASE