Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
-hän (englanniksi)
- particle to express that the speaker had some certain view on something but is surprised after having got to know the truth about it: (enclitic / more or less)
- particle to express that the speaker had some certain view on something but is surprised at the controversial view expressed by some other person: (enclitic / more or less)
- particle to express that the speaker is determined about or resistant towards something: (enclitic)
- particle attached to an indicative verb form in order to express the speaker's wish about something (enclitic / more rarely: conditional or potential)
- also to politely ask someone to do something—i.e
- avoid the imperative:
- With a negation verb form and the enclitic particle -kö to express "I suppose": (enclitic)
- With the particle -kö to express "I wonder if": (enclitic / k'ö' required by the vowel harmony)