Teidän (englanniksi)
- your (pron: (attribuuttina) ilmaisee puhuteltaville kuuluvaa)
- yours (pron: (itsenäisesti) ilmaisee puhuteltaville kuuluvaa)
- genitive plural of personal pronoun te (pron)
- in most cases translated with the possessive pronoun your (pron: with the possessive suffix m)
- after the verb olla: yours &mdash (pron)
- when addressing many persons or when addressing politely or formally one person: (pron)
- Used with verbs or verb structures that are used monopersonally such as pitää (pron)
- täytyä (pron)
- tulla (pron)
- olla + passive present participle etc (pron)
- and require genitive: translated into English you &mdash (pron)
- Sana perusmuodossa: te
Viimeisimmät haut: Teidän, knucklehead, safety chains, renounceth, nonrenewable resource, street theaters